function countdown_clock(year, month, day, hour, minute, format) { //I chose a div as the container for the timer, but //it can be an input tag inside a form, or anything //who's displayed content can be changed through //client-side scripting. html_code='
'; document.write(html_code); Today=new Date(); Todays_Year=Today.getYear() - 2000; Todays_Month=Today.getMonth() + 1; //Computes the time difference between the client computer and the server. Server_Date=(new Date(25, 3, 13, 23, 13, 28)).getTime(); Todays_Date=(new Date(Todays_Year, Todays_Month, Today.getDate(), Today.getHours(), Today.getMinutes(), Today.getSeconds())).getTime(); countdown(year, month, day, hour, minute, (Todays_Date - Server_Date), format); } function countdown(year, month, day, hour, minute, time_difference, format) { Today=new Date(); Todays_Year=Today.getYear() - 2000; Todays_Month=Today.getMonth() + 1; //Convert today's date and the target date into miliseconds. Todays_Date=(new Date(Todays_Year, Todays_Month, Today.getDate(), Today.getHours(), Today.getMinutes(), Today.getSeconds())).getTime(); Target_Date=(new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, 00)).getTime(); //Find their difference, and convert that into seconds. //Taking into account the time differential between the client computer and the server. Time_Left=Math.round((Target_Date - Todays_Date + time_difference) / 1000); if (Time_Left < 0) Time_Left=0; switch (format) { case 0: //The simplest way to display the time left. document.all.countdown.innerHTML=Time_Left + ' seconds'; break; case 1: //More datailed. days=Math.floor(Time_Left / (60 * 60 * 24)); Time_Left %= (60 * 60 * 24); hours=Math.floor(Time_Left / (60 * 60)); Time_Left %= (60 * 60); minutes=Math.floor(Time_Left / 60); Time_Left %= 60; seconds=Time_Left; dps='s'; hps='s'; mps='s'; sps='s'; //ps is short for plural suffix. if (days == 1) dps =''; if (hours == 1) hps =''; if (minutes == 1) mps =''; if (seconds == 1) sps =''; //document.all.countdown.innerHTML=days + ' day' + dps + ' '; //document.all.countdown.innerHTML += hours + ' hour' + hps + ' '; //document.all.countdown.innerHTML += minutes + ' minute' + mps + ' and '; //document.all.countdown.innerHTML += seconds + ' second' + sps; document.all.countdown.innerHTML=days + 'd '; document.all.countdown.innerHTML+=hours +'hr'+hps+' '; document.all.countdown.innerHTML += minutes + 'min '; document.all.countdown.innerHTML += seconds + 'sec'; break; default: document.all.countdown.innerHTML=Time_Left + ' seconds'; } //Recursive call, keeps the clock ticking. setTimeout('countdown(' + year + ',' + month + ',' + day + ',' + hour + ',' + minute + ',' + time_difference + ', ' + format + ');', 1000); }